Music in the Time of a Whirlwind

Hello, WVUM readers and listeners, Caroline here. It’s been a while. The first half of the 2021 Fall semester has rushed past me, and I’ve sort of been going through it. I haven’t been listening to music as much as I’d like (like, i’ve barely listened to music… yeah.. scary place to be!), I’ve been inundated with school and work and life and so many various things, that I’ve had to made some serious life adjustments to center myself back in a place of wellness and creative/artistic creation and appreciation. Thus, I’m trying my best to listen to music again in the middle of this whirlwind.

To ease myself back into creating again for this radio station that means so, so much to me, I’ve compiled this playlist of tunes that remind me of sweet and strong emotions, home, and hectic drives to and from work, school, and various places around Miami and beyond. The playlist is titled, “My green monster spilled!” because, well, I spilled my monster during a multi-tasking bout of driving. I feel as though it accurately reflects where I am and where I have been, and I hope perhaps it can help you, too. Slowly, I’m getting back on track again and I hope to write to you a little more, soon.

Listen in and feel my audible hug from me to you.

Caroline Whyte